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The College of Law is committed to ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of its workers, students and visitors.

The purpose of this document is to outline the College’s COVID-19 policy position with respect to:

  • safety precautions at College and third party sites
  • expectations of employees, independent contractors, students and visitors while at College premises and at third party sites, and
  • COVID-19 vaccinations for College workers, students and visitors at College and Third Party Sites.



This Policy applies to all College workers, students and visitors in Australia.


College approach

The College of Law operates sites in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney. Each College location has a site leader who is responsible for managing the preparation and maintenance of COVID-19 site safety plans and for ensuring that the College’s COVID site safety plans are compliant with the relevant public health orders and regulations in that jurisdiction, including with respect to any vaccination requirements.

The College will be guided by COVID-19 Government guidelines, advice and health orders in the relevant jurisdiction including:

  • COVID-safe site requirements such as physical distancing, capacity limits and the wearing of face coverings
  • vaccination requirements for workers, students and visitors at College and third party premises
  • decisions to close a College site to workers, students and/or visitors, and
  • management of confirmed cases of COVID-19 at College or third party premises.


COVID-Safe site plans

Each College site has a COVID-Safe site plan in place for their premises that complies with the Government guidelines and advice in the relevant jurisdiction. These plans address requirements such as:

  • regular cleaning and sanitisation of all communal areas and areas to be utilised by workers, students and visitors
  • provision of hand sanitiser for the use of workers, students and visitors while onsite
  • placement of relevant social distancing and hygiene signage and/or capacity limits in onsite spaces in accordance with any Government guidelines
  • provision of physical distancing equipment such as decals and perspex screens
  • any Government requirements regarding check-ins and/or the wearing of face coverings by workers, students and visitors, and
  • any Government requirements regarding the vaccination status of workers, students and/or visitors.


Changes to Government guidelines and advice

Each site leader regularly monitors any changes to Government guidelines and advice in their jurisdiction and assesses any impact that the changes may have on their COVID-Safe site plans. It is the responsibility of each site leader to clearly identify and arrange for any changes to their COVID-Safe site plan to be communicated to impacted workers, students and visitors.


Expectations of workers, visitors and students while onsite

All College workers, students and visitors are under an obligation to comply with the COVID-Safe directions of the site leader while on College premises.

No person can attend a College site if they:

  • are unwell
  • are exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms
  • are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test, and/or
  • are required by government advice to self-isolate (whether due to a positive COVID-19 test or otherwise).

Any person presenting at a College site with COVID-19 symptoms will be asked to leave the premises.


Confirmed cases of COVID-19 on College and third party sites

Where the College receives notification of a positive COVID-19 case on College or third party premises, the College will follow the reporting, communication and tracing procedures identified by the Government health orders or health department guidelines in the relevant jurisdiction.



College position on Worker Vaccinations

The College strongly encourages all eligible workers to get vaccinated as recommended by Federal and relevant State Government advice and on the advice of a health practitioner.

The College will only require a worker to get vaccinated and to present evidence of their vaccination status to the College where required to do so by relevant government orders or regulations.


College position on Student and Visitor Vaccinations

The College will only require a student or visitor to be vaccinated as a condition of entry to College premises where required to do so by relevant government orders or regulations.

Where the relevant government orders or regulations require that evidence of vaccination be sighted by the College as a condition of entry to the premises:

  • the vaccination evidence must be sighted only, and
  • no record of the vaccination information should be taken, in any form.

The College will only collect, hold and maintain evidence of a student or visitor’s vaccination status where required to by relevant government health orders or regulations. In these circumstances, the site leader will ensure that:

  • appropriate arrangements are made for the secure collection and storage of the information
  • appropriate arrangements are made for the proper maintenance and secure destruction of the information, and
  • an up-to-date Personal Information Collection Notice is in place and is distributed to students and visitors in advance of the information being collected.


COVID-19 requirements at third party sites

The College will ensure that any third party site utilised for the purpose of delivering an onsite College course has a jurisdiction-compliant COVID-19 safety plan in place.

Students attending a third party site for the purposes of completing their course of study with the College are expected to comply with the COVID-19 safety and vaccination requirements of the third party site.

The College will never sight, collect, hold or maintain evidence of a student’s vaccination status on behalf of a third party site – it is the responsibility of the third party site to make any such arrangements.

For PLT Co-Operative courses held at the law firm’s premises, the law firm is responsible for communicating any COVID-19 safety and/or vaccination requirements to students and for the sighting, collection and maintenance of any vaccination evidence in accordance with the law firm’s policies.


RAT and PCR test requirements

The College will only require a worker, student or visitor to return a negative RAT or PCR test as a condition of entry to College premises where required to do so by relevant government orders or regulations.

Please note that some PLT Co-Operative Course law firms may have RAT or PCR testing requirements in some jurisdictions.


COVID-19 contact

Should you require more information about the particular COVID-19 arrangements in place at the College in your jurisdiction, please contact your local College campus.


COVID-19 contact