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Academic Governance

Academic Governance


Structures, policies and processes upon which decisions are informed and authorised in pursuit of quality academic outcomes for students and lecturers

The Academic Board has been established pursuant to article 8.10(c) of the Constitution.

The Board of Governors has delegated certain matters concerning the academic functions and policies of the College, including the approval and review of Academic Programs.

The College of Law is authorised to self-accredit its own programs at levels 8 and 9 of the Australian Qualifications Framework by the Commonwealth Tertiary Education Quality & Standards Agency (TEQSA).   


Our Academic Board consists of internal and external members with appropriate levels of skill, knowledge, experience and independence 

Its main accountabilities are detailed in the Academic Board Charter.

 Academic Board Profiles

Academic Board Subcommittees 
Academic Board subcommittees are established in accordance with the Academic Board’s Terms of Reference. Subcommittees have specific oversight responsibilities and are responsible for considering detailed issues and making recommendations to the Academic Board for approval.

The Academic Board has approved Terms of Reference for each subcommittee within its own Terms of Reference.




Group Course Committee    

Lewis Patrick, Chief Academic Officer (Chair)

Karina Okotel, Academic Secretary (Secretary)

Jenna Ash, The College of Law New Zealand Chief Academic Officer

Mitchell Bailes, Manager of Program Operations and Delivery

Deborah Battison, Executive Director ACT

Ann-Maree David, Executive Director Queensland

Dr Alan Davis, Director of Academic Quality

Adrian Deans, Director of Academic Regulatory Compliance

Simone Dixon, Director of Teaching, Learning and Design Directorate

Rose Glue, The College of Law New Zealand Programme Director

Morton Herschderfer, Executive Director NSW

Graham Jobling, Executive Director SA

James Jung, Director of International Relations and Development

Isobel Merricks, Assistant Director of Teaching, Learning and Design Directorate

Terri Mottershead, Executive Director of the Centre for Legal Innovation

Michelle Nulty, Director of Customer and Student Engagement

Tatiana Rabaeva, Head of Postgraduate Programs

Catherine Stokes, Executive Director WA

Sophie Williams, Executive Director Victoria

Group Course Committee Terms of Reference (PDF) 

Research & Scholarship Committee  

Lewis Patrick, Chief Academic Officer (Chair)

Karina Okotel, Academic Secretary (Secretary)

Naomi Betridge, National Librarian

Maria Corbisiero, Assistant Director Victoria

Dr Alan Davis, Director of Academic Quality

Simone Dixon, Director of the Teaching, Learning and Design Directorate

Anita Hall, Senior Lecturer Queensland

Jeanette Hobbs, PLSC Instructor New Zealand

Max Lewington, Lecturer Queensland

Isobel Merricks, Assistant Director of the Teaching, Learning and Design Directorate

Terri Mottershead, Executive Director of the Centre for Legal Innovation 

Research & Scholarship Committee Terms of Reference (PDF)

Work Experience Committee

Jane Boyd, Adjunct Lecturer NSW (Chair)

Glenn Brissenden, Team Leader of Program Operations and Delivery (Secretary)

Program Director from the relevant stream

Work Experience Committee Terms of Reference (PDF)

Assessment Review Committee 

Morton Herschderfer, Executive Director NSW (Chair)

Dr Alan Davis, Director of Academic Quality

Tania Digges, Assistant Director NSW

Lee Horton, Senior Lecturer Victoria

Jennifer Sturgess, Lecturer Queensland

Karina Okotel, Academic Secretary, acts as Secretary to the committee

Assessment Review Committee Terms of Reference (PDF)

Curriculum Advisory Committees  

The relevant Program Director for the stream (Chair)

Academic Secretary (Secretary)

An early career lawyer

A cooperative partner representative

A senior lawyer

A lecturer who teaches in the relevant stream

Curriculum Advisory Committees Terms of Reference (PDF)

Appeals Committee  

Neville Carter, CEO and Principal, or nominee (Chair)

Grant Hutchinson, External Member appointed by the Chair of the Board of Governors

Paul Mead, Assistant Director NSW

Karina Okotel, Academic Secretary, acts as Secretary to the committee

Appeals Committee Terms of Reference (PDF)

External Appeals Panel 

Any of three Board of Governors appointments (Prof Gino Dal Pont, The Hon Keith Mason AM QC, The Hon Peter Rose AM QC)

The Academic Secretary (currently Karina Okotel) is secretary to the process

External Appeals Panel Terms of Service (PDF) 

The Higher Education Standards 

The Higher Education Standards is published by the Tertiary Education Quality & Standards Agency to prescribe and regulate the various activities of higher education providers in Australia. 

Compliance with all standards is mandatory and is the responsibility of both the Academic Board and the College executive.


Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) 

The AQF is a compendium of descriptors that articulates the way each award qualification is construed in Australia. It aims to provide consistency across different institutions. 

The College is most concerned with level 8 (Graduate Certificates and Graduate Diplomas) and level 9 (Masters Degrees).