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Amendments to the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (Qld)

Amendments to the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (Qld)

The REIQ contract for houses and residential land and REIQ contract for residential lots in a community title scheme have been amended as of 7 June 2024. Tara Cush, lecturer at the College of Law Queensland, provides an overview of how these amendments will impact REIQ contracts.

How to work with Neurodivergent Clients: Strategies for Lawyers

How to work with Neurodivergent Clients: Strategies for Lawyers

Working with neurodivergent clients can present unique complexities. From communication barriers to navigating sensory sensitivities, lawyers must possess a specialised skill set to effectively represent these individuals. The College delves into proven strategies that build trust and foster clear communication with Kathryn Schuck, Principal of Inclusive Family Law and Mediation.

Grounds for Executor Removal: When Trust Breaks Down

Grounds for Executor Removal: When Trust Breaks Down

In this practice update, we delve into the legal grounds for removing an executor, a situation fraught with potential conflict and complexity. Barrister and adjunct lecturer at the College of Law, Tasman Ash Fleming, offers insights on the most common reasons for executor removal, from conflicts of interest to financial mismanagement. We'll explore the legal process for challenging an executor and the importance of clear evidence to secure a court order in Victoria.

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