The Family Law Amendment Act 2024 received Royal Assent on 10 December 2024. These amendments are a result of recommendations made by the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee, the Australian Law Reform Commission’s review of the family law system as well as feedback from stakeholders. These recommendations include changes to provisions concerning companion animals, taking a less adversarial approach, disclosure, divorce, protected confidences, and costs orders.
Following a series of reviews of the family law system, on 22 August 2024 the Australian Government introduced the Family Law Amendment Bill 2024 into the Commonwealth Parliament. The Bill sets out very significant amendments, including those relating to property settlements, pet custody and children’s arrangements, which aim to modernise and improve the family law system in Australia.
Jess Popple, Senior Associate at Pippa Colman Family Law, has become something of a rising star in her field. Since completing her PLT and a postgraduate qualification at the College, Jess has won the Queensland Emergent Woman Lawyer of the Year Award – and served on numerous boards and associations.
The Honourable Robert Benjamin AM SC has been a leading light in the Australian family legal system for decades. In his roles as Judge, Commissioner, President of the New South Wales Law Society, Chair of the College of Law, practitioner and meditator – Robert has had a profound impact on many areas of the law and continues to do so today. We asked the former Justice of the Family Court of Australia for insights into his extraordinary career and today’s family law practices.
Family law is an area where a client may have expectations that a lawyer can do or take action against the other party which may not be appropriate. In this area of practice, being an ethical lawyer is more important than ever. We spoke to family lawyer and College of Law lecturer Kathryn Kearley to explore the critical connection between legal expertise and professional conduct. We explore the ethical challenges that family lawyers encounter.
The Family Law Amendment Bill 2024 seeks to modernise and improve Australia's family law system, focusing on the key areas of property division and family violence. According to Commonwealth Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus KC, these reforms are intended “to make the division of property and finances safer, simpler, and fairer for separating families, especially where family violence is present.
While divorce and separation are difficult for any child, for children with neurodivergent needs, these transitions can present their own set of challenges. The College sat down with Kathryn Schuck, Principal of Inclusive Family Law and Mediation, to delve into effective strategies family lawyers can employ to advocate for these children and navigate the complexities of custody agreements.