The Honourable Robert Benjamin AM SC has been a leading light in the Australian family legal system for decades. In his roles as Judge, Commissioner, President of the New South Wales Law Society, Chair of the College of Law, practitioner and meditator – Robert has had a profound impact on many areas of the law and continues to do so today. We asked the former Justice of the Family Court of Australia for insights into his extraordinary career and today’s family law practices.
The College delves into the key requirements, steps involved, and potential challenges of cross-qualifying as an Australian lawyer in the UK. We spoke to Duha Al Hassnawi, an Australian foreign lawyer based in London, for her insights on the dual qualification process. Duha is currently enrolled in The College of Legal Practice’s SQE1 prep course.
Completing your CPD can sometimes bring resistance. So, we’re addressing these quandaries head-on – by sharing five insider tips every lawyer needs to know before tackling their CPD.
HINT: It's about making your CPD count for something more.
Insider tip 1: Deep dive into your practice area...
Successful law firm owners must excel beyond legal expertise, showcasing a range of business and interpersonal skills, crucial as the legal landscape evolves, demanding continual honing of these abilities. Let’s show you some quick and valuable ways to boost these skills quickly.
Kristen Wallwork is a highly experienced social justice specialist dedicating more than 20 years to serving local communities. In her role as Executive Director of the South-East Monash Legal Centre (SMLS), Kristen is at the coalface of emerging social justice issues. In good news, a national review is underway looking at improving funding for the Australian legal assistance sector, and first-of-its-kind grants, such as the SMLS team’s climate change grant into the legal implications of climate change disaster and day-to-day impact, are emerging.