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22 December 2015

The College of Law Awarded Self Accrediting Authority by TEQSA

Published on 22 December 2015
In a significant vote of confidence by the Commonwealth higher education regulator (TEQSA) The College of Law Ltd has been awarded Self Accrediting Authority.

Self Accrediting Authority (SAA) is the authority to self accredit higher education courses and the award of such authority to the College by TEQSA acknowledges that the College achieves academic standards, governance and quality equivalent to that of a university.

Only six other non-universities have SAA and all are leaders in their particular fields (e.g. National Institute of Dramatic Art; The Australian Film, Television and Radio School and Avondale College). The College of Law has long been the largest provider of practical legal training (PLT) courses in Australia and is now one of the largest providers of Masters degrees in law. The award of SAA by TEQSA is due recognition of the College's leadership in PLT and Applied Law.

The CEO and Principal of the College, Mr Neville Carter, said:

"We are delighted with the award of Self Accrediting Authority. It reflects another key stage in the College's growth and development. The College is now a major provider of legal education in both Australia and New Zealand. Our success is based on the career long quality of our programs, our alignment to the profession and our design focus on practical law. SAA gives us the flexibility to introduce new programs more quickly to our customers and to review and change programs as needed."

Media queries to:
Neville Carter, CEO & Principal
Email: ncarter@collaw.edu.au
Phone: 02 9965 7030